Editing Mode - Line Editing Mode

In this mode, various lines types arising from the geometry (e.g. silhouettes, creases) or sketched unto mesh surfaces by the user (e.g. decals) can be selected and stylized. Stylization controls described in this section include appearance parameters (e.g. width, color), path parameters (e.g. directly oversketched wiggles), and temporal parameters (e.g. frame-to-frame coherence behavior and stroke animation).


In general, the left mouse button is used to select line entities (e.g. decals, silhouettes) to be stylized, and then sketch their associated stylization. If a mesh, or existing decal is left-clicked, then decal editing mode is entered as indicated at the top of the rendering window and in the status field of the GUI. The selected mesh will be indicated by showing a bounding box, and any selected decal will be highlighted. Sketching in decal mode serves to define additional decals.

If any other line type (i.e. silhouette, crease, border) is selected, then line editing mode is entered as indicated at the top of the rendering window and in the status field of the GUI. The selected mesh will be indicated by showing a bounding box, and selected line will be highlighted. Sketching in line mode serves to define offset-based stylization for the selected line type.

Clicking on the background or another entity will deselect the current entity. If stroke style changes in the GUI, or sketched offsets are not yet "applied" they will be lost upon deselection.


In this mode the GUI is used to edit the stylization and behavior of the currently selected line type. Controls common to this mode and hatching mode are described first, followed by the controls specific to line editing mode.

Common Stroke Controls

These controls comprise the parameters which govern stroke rendering.

Line Mode Specific Controls

These remaining controls are specific to the line mode.

Coherence Settings

Settings which govern how a coherent parameterization is applied to each line type from frame to frame (see corresponding paper).

Coherence Settings.


If checked, all other parameters in this section are ignored and the global defaults are used.


If checked, the onscreen mesh size doesn't influence parameterization (i.e. sigma, rho = 1)

Major, 1 to 1, Hybrid

Policy for assigning brush paths.

Rand, ArcL, Phase, Interp, Optim

Policy for fitting parameterization to brush paths.


Pixel spacing of polylines vertices for optimization fitting policy.

Wf, Ws, Wb, Wh

Weights in energy expression for optimization fitting policy.


Minimum number of votes per vote group.


Minimum pixel length per vote group.


Minimum percentage of the lenght of the silhouette path per vote group.


Pixel length threshold for healing together brush paths.


Pixel length threshold for coercing brush paths to heal.