Our dataset
Scene graphs
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'scenegraphs' contains input and ground truth scene graphs, as well as the results of our algorithm and alternatives. Note that each scene graph (*.hier) only describes ancestry relations among nodes and geometry membership of each node (format). The actual geometries can be shared upon request. 'scenegraphs' consists of two directories:
• cleaned, which are scene graphs without segmentation, i.e. leaf nodes are single objects.
• oversegmented, which are scene graphs with segmentation, i.e. leaf nodes are the ones of the original scene graphs that are dowloaded from Trimble warehouse.
Each directory contains three scene categories: bedroom, classroom, library.
In each scene category, there are 5 subdirectories:
• rawSceneGraphs: input scene graphs, without hierarchy or annotation.
• gtSceneGraphs: ground-truth scene graphs, where annotation and hierarchies are created manually. These scene graphs are used both for training and evaluation.
• predSceneGraphs: annotated hierarchical scene graphs that are created by our algorithm in the leave-one-out experiment (i.e. taking the ground-truth scene graphs of all other scenes in the same category as training data).
• predShapeOnly: annotated scene graphs that are created by maximizing the geometry term (a.k.a. Shape only), in the leave-one-out experiment.
• predFlat: annotated scene graphs that are created by our algorithm but the algorithm is forced to be flat (a.k.a. Flat grammar), in the leave-one-out experiment.
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