Scripts: Python scripts (in 'scripts/') are used to perform a certain step of our algorithm. Each python script may call C++ apps (in 'code/apps/') or other python scripts.
Related app
Generate part-aware shape descriptors (Section 4 of the paper).
Learn compatibility (Section 5).
• The code for computing shape descriptors and learning style compatibility does not have external dependencies. However, the visualizer code requires OpenGL and GLUT.
• Type 'Make' in 'code/' to compile the code. If this step succeeds, three executables should be found in 'code/bin/$ARCH': gen_seg_descriptors, gen_shape_descriptors and point_cloud_viewer.
The example includes three models ('ex/meshes'), with uniform samples ('ex/samples') and segmentations ('ex/segmentation') produced by a previous algorithm.
There are three steps to run the example.
• Copy/move the code folders 'code/code', 'code/configs' and 'code/scripts' to the root (i.e. at the same level of 'run_example').
• Copy/move the data folder 'data' to the root.
• Type 'Make' in './' to run the example. If this step suceeds, our code should produce 'ex/features', 'ex/computing-features' and 'ex/learning'. The summary of the learning process can be found at 'ex/learning/log.txt'.