Real-time Mesh Simplification Using the GPU
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D), April 2007

The Real-time GPU Simplification pipeline maps Lindstrom\\\'s Quadric-based Vertex Clustering to the novel GPU pipeline. By use of a spatial hash function, we can map each vertex to a unique region of space (or cluster cell), stored in a set of render targets. After computing optimal positions for each cluster\\\'s representative vertex, we can output a final pass in which degenerate triangles are culled, resulting in a simplified mesh.
Recent advances in real-time rendering have allowed the GPU
implementation of traditionally CPU-restricted algorithms, often
with performance increases of an order of magnitude or greater.
Such gains are achieved by leveraging the large-scale parallelism
of the GPU towards applications that are well-suited for these
streaming architectures. By contrast, mesh simplification has
traditionally been viewed as a non-interactive process not readily
amenable to GPU acceleration. We demonstrate how it becomes
practical for real-time use through our method, and that the use
of the GPU even for offline simplification leads to significant
increases in performance. Our approach for mesh decimation adopts
a vertex-clustering method to the GPU by taking advantage of a new
addition to the rendering pipeline - the extit{geometry shader}
stage. We present a novel general-purpose data structure designed
for streaming architectures called the emph{probabilistic
octree}, which allows for much of the flexibility of offline
implementations, including sparse encoding and variable
level-of-detail. We demonstrate successful use of this data
structure in our GPU implementation of mesh simplification. We can
generate adaptive levels of detail by applying non-linear warping
functions to the cluster map in order to improve resulting
simplification quality. Our GPU-accelerated approach enables
simultaneous construction of multiple levels of detail and
out-of-core simplification of extremely large polygonal meshes.
Christopher DeCoro and Natalya Tatarchuk.
"Real-time Mesh Simplification Using the GPU."
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D) 2007, pp. 161-166, April 2007.
@inproceedings{DeCoro:2007:RMS, author = "Christopher DeCoro and Natalya Tatarchuk", title = "Real-time Mesh Simplification Using the {GPU}", booktitle = "Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D)", year = "2007", month = apr, volume = "2007", pages = "161--166" }