Global Consistency in the Automatic Assembly of Fragmented Artefacts
Intl. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST), October 2011

Reconstruction of wall painting with 118 fragments and 188 matches, 10 of which are incorrect (marked with red tags).
Automatic reconstruction of fragmented objects is of great interest in archaeology, where artefacts are often found in a fractured state. In this paper, we focus on the problem of automatically agglomerating clusters of fragments
from previously determined pairwise matches. Common to any automated cluster agglomeration technique is the
challenge of error accumulation, making it increasingly difficult to discern false from true matches as the assembly
grows. Many assembly algorithms therefore introduce a global relaxation phase to distribute alignment errors
evenly across the cluster, minimising major inconsistencies. Nevertheless, error accumulation limits the problem
size automated assembly systems can handle in practice. In this paper we show how two careful modifications of
the traditional relaxation scheme help lift this limit considerably. In contrast to previous work, we integrate global
relaxation earlier, in the search phase of the assembly process. In addition, we do not fix connections between
assembled fragments, but rather leave them flexible throughout the assembly. By modifying two representative
assembly algorithms, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Using the example of a challenging fresco
dataset, we show that these modifications achieve larger reconstruction sizes than traditional strategies.
Antonio García Castañeda, Benedict Brown, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Thomas Funkhouser, and Tim Weyrich.
"Global Consistency in the Automatic Assembly of Fragmented Artefacts."
Intl. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST), October 2011.
@article{Castaneda:2011:GCI, author = "Antonio Garc{\'\i}a Casta{\~n}eda and Benedict Brown and Szymon Rusinkiewicz and Thomas Funkhouser and Tim Weyrich", title = "Global Consistency in the Automatic Assembly of Fragmented Artefacts", journal = "Intl. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST)", year = "2011", month = oct }