HOME | curly | wings | rose | leaves | floral | palm | aboriginal | doodle
There are 10 paths shown for each of the non-font exemplars. For the relatively narrow font exemplars (aboriginal and doodle) DecoBrush can also synthesize paths with sharp turns, so an extra 5 paths with sharp turns are shown for those styles.
Please note that these results show the raw output of our system without additional user input beyond specifying a path. As a result there are noticeable artifacts in some cases. These artifacts would be easy to fix with minimal user input using the refinement technique described in Section 5.5.
Clicking on the links at the top of the pages switches between styles. In each column are three images: (1) the "initialization" result of our method after Section 5.3 (graph-cuts); (2) the result after Section 5.4 texture synthesis; and (3) the final vectorized result. On any of the pages, clicking on the an image brings up the full-resolution version.